September is suicide prevention month…
Sptember is suicice prevention month... Mental health is still a very invisible disease, surrounded by stigma and taboo.
Let's be part of the change... How? Little things like be more open to listen to others struggles and don't dismiss them as if it was just them trying to get attention! Be more empathetic, give some of your time to listen...
Stop using words like committed, they didn't committed a crime, they died by suicide, due to their mental health problems. They weren't weak or coward or selfish, they were sick! They wanted the pain to end and that was the only way to end it in their minds! Why? Because they weren't thinking straight! They had what I call the "cancer of the mind". They are sick with an invisible sickeness... Let's be part of the change, let's contribute to prevent suicide, let's help who is struggling with their mental helth, with the "cancer of teh mind"!
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